Recreation and Facilities

Cristen Gignac, Director

515 Center Avenue, Suite 403
Bay City, Michigan 48708-5125
Voice: (989) 895-4130
Fax: (989) 895-2094

Recreation Plan

2024-2028 Recreation Plan

Bay County has developed a Multi-Jurisdiction Parks and Recreation Master Plan that includes the following communities: Bay County, the City of Auburn, Bangor Charter Township, the City of Bay City, Beaver Township, the City of Essexville, Frankenlust Township, Fraser Township, Hampton Charter Township, Merritt Township, Monitor Charter Township, Pinconning Township, Portsmouth Charter Township, and Williams Charter Township. The Plan evaluates existing recreation opportunities, reviews public input regarding recreation, establishes recreational goals, and proposes a five-year schedule of improvements and other related items that each jurisdiction wishes to pursue.  

2024-2028 Recreation Plan


Previous Recreation Plans:  

2019-2023 Bay County Recreation Plan

2014 - 2018 Bay County Recreation Plan

2009 - 2013 Bay County Recreation Plan

 If you would like more information, please call (989) 895-4132.