Bay Co. Community Corrections
If ordered to participate in drug/alcohol testing and supervision, you must sign up in person at the Law Enforcement Center, located at 503 Third St, Bay City, MI. (Front doors - Sheriff counter)
Current Sign - up hours: Tues - Thurs, 1pm - 3pm. Please bring your paperwork from court/arraignment. If hearing was held by Zoom, paperwork will be mailed to you.
Cost: PBT/Alcohol - $6.00 per punch/test Drug - $15.00 per punch/test Lab Fee - $15 per drug
Drug and alcohol testing takes place according to your assigned color or daily for those who have been ordered to do so for alcohol testing. Code -A- phone number is 989-895-2096.
If there are complications with the code-a-phone system, please continue to call until you get a clear message.
If you are under pretrial supervision, you are to report as instructed by phone or in person on your designated day and time to your assigned Pretrial Specialist. If you fail to report for testing or supervision a notice will be sent to your assigned judge.
*******Currently - all defendants under supervision will leave your weekly, bi-weekly or monthly report on this number 989 895-4287*******
Please state your name and any changes to address, phone or police contact that resulted in arrest or a ticket to appear in court. Also leave note of your next court hearing.
COVID Protocol:
Please read the COVID related questions, prior to entering lobby.
- tested positive and have symptoms: DO NOT report for testing, please GO BACK or STAY HOME and make sure to call the appropriate persons below to report the information:
- tested positive in the last 5 days and have no symptoms: report for testing, but please wear a mask
- tested negative, but have symptoms: report for testing, but wear a mask,
Bond Cases and District Court Probation cases call:
Pretrial Services, call 989-895-4287 or email [email protected] or call your PO
About Us
The Bay County Office of Community Corrections offers community support and safety through our Pretrial Services program. We assist courts in making judgement decisions for community/bond supervision. Alcohol/drug testing is offered under the PTS program along with a level of supervision in efforts to keep the public safe. Community Corrections also seeks to develop and evaluate programs for local adult criminal offenders. Working closely with the courts, probation departments, and community resources. Community Corrections provides services through contracts with local agencies. Services provided include substance abuse treatment, inclusive of an Opiate and Methamphetamine Specific Programs and Vivitrol. Community Corrections also provides GPS tether, Narcotics Anonymous, Peer Support, GED practice and testing and mental health services. Sheriff's Work program is also offered for assistance with local community projects during the summer months.
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