A Geographic Information System is a computerized mapping system that also contains a large database of information about the areas mapped by the system. Examples include water well locations, FEMA floodplain boundaries, and tax parcel ownership, as well as soils, aerial photography, wetlands and a variety of other information. This creates the ability to map specific pieces of information about an area, or to have the computer seek its database and provide mapped information as its output. This is a powerful tool for integrating information electronically. Bay County was instrumental in a Michigan Department of Environmental Quality Coastal Zone management grant carried out with Bangor Township, Monitor Township, and Bay City to create public information kiosks for general access to this information. Staff is available to discuss mapping applications and potential enhancement of the information layers in the GIS system.
Maps and Apps Gallery
Tri-County Trail Guide
Please click Here for information regarding the Tri-County Trail Guide.
Bay Area GIS (Fetch GIS) Web-viewer User Guide
Please click here for a user guide on the Bay County GIS (Fetch) viewer.