Bay County's Form of Government
Pursuant to Act 139 of Public Act of 1973 (as amended by PA 100 of 1980) (Act 139), the voters of Bay County elected the optional Unified Form of County Government in November of 1978. The form of government established in 1978 is also known as the “county executive” form of government.
The Board of Commissioners exercises the legislative power of the county and determines all matters of policy. The Board of Commissioners is composed of seven commissioners who are elected from their respective districts. Each commissioner serves a term of four years.
The County Executive is the head of the administrative branch of the county government and is elected at large for a four-year term.
The Circuit and District Court judge are elected on six-year, staggered terms. The offices of Prosecuting Attorney, Sheriff, Clerk, Treasurer, Register of Deeds, and Drain Commissioner are elected at large and serve for a four-year term.
To learn more about Bay County Government, please click here.