Maternal Infant Health Program (MIHP)
(989) 895-4004
The Maternal Infant Health Program (MIHP) is a home visiting service provided by a Registered Nurse and Licensed Social Worker. It is for all pregnant women and infants with Medicaid. The goal of MIHP is healthy pregnancies, good birth outcomes and healthy infants. MIHP is a Michigan Department of Health and Human Services program.
Services are also available via telehealth.
MIHP home visitors are experienced health professionals who can:
- Help you get transportation to medical appointments and WIC, if needed
- Help you get prenatal care
- Answer questions about being pregnant
- Answer questions about caring for your infant
- Help you get food or a place to live
- Help you learn about fixing and eating healthy foods
- Help with changes that you decide to make to be healthy. These changes could include quitting or cutting down on smoking, alcohol or drugs.
- Help with health problems that could affect your pregnancy. These problems include diabetes, asthma, high blood pressure, depression or anxiety.
- Help if you are concerned about family violence
- Answer Questions about family planning (birth control)
- Connect you with community services. These services include childbirth education classes and baby pantries that give out items for free.
- Be there for you if problems come up
For more information, visit the State of Michigan MIHP site.
Pregnancy and Childbirth Community Connections
McLaren Bay Region Childbirth ClassExpectant mothers and their support person(s) can attend these classes at McLaren Bay Region in Bay City. Available to expectant mothers and their support person. Classes provide key information about pregnancy, natural and caesarean birth, postpartum, and baby care. Labor coping skills such as breathing, relaxation, positive positioning and specific types of massage are practiced. Consider attending one of these classes whether this is first baby, or you need a refresher. Register online or by phone.
Sibling prep class, Boot Camp for New Dads and Breastfeeding Classes are also available.
Services: Expectant mothers and their support person(s)
Agency: McLaren Bay Region
Phone: 989-894-3935
Life Clinic
Services: Help for expectant mothers and their support person, free pregnancy testing, ultrasound, counseling and assistance obtaining baby items.
Address: 2360 Midland Rd., Bay City, MI 48706
Phone: 989-992-5433
Resources & Education Materials

Sign up for Text4Baby to receive free text messages, and/or download the Text4Baby App. Receive health and safety tips, baby's growth during pregnancy, an appointment tracker, and more.
- Free text messages: Text "BABY" to 511411
- Download the App or learn more:

Receive expert advice throughout pregnancy with daily articles, healthcare tips, and interactive 3D models for tracking development. Michigan users will also receive tailored information to improve access to programs across the state.

Personalized content with pregnancy tips, baby's growth during pregnancy, and more information throughout baby's first year of life.
Education & Information for Parents
Maternal and Infant Health Data - Region 5