Animal Services
800 Livingston Street
Bay City, Michigan 48708-6380
Voice: (989) 894-0679

Veterinary Clinics

Click here to see a Google Maps listing of clinics in Bay County.

Most of our area veterinary clinics will provide the following services. 

General Care

    • Dogs should be blood tested for heartworm once a year.
    • Dogs should be on a heartworm preventative as prescribed by your veterinarian.
    • Yearly fecal checks by your veterinarian are recommended.
    • Try to use a name brand product.
    • Bag feeding recommendations are almost always 25-30% over ideal.
    • Daily to weekly brushing is recommended.
    • Dentistry as needed.
    • Hard food - chew toys -  NO BONES!


  • DOGS:
    • Start at 5-6 weeks of age.
    • Vaccine should include Distemper, Hepatitis, Parainfluenza, Parvovirus, Leptospirosis, and Coronavirus.
    • Should be repeated at 3 to 4-week intervals until the pup/kitten is 17 to 18 weeks of age or older, then on an annual basis.
    • Rabies vaccination at 3 - 4 months boostered as suggested by your veterinarian.
    • Required by Law to be rabies vaccinated and licensed.
  • CATS:
    • Start at 6 weeks of age.
    • Vaccine should include Feline viral rhinotracheitis, calicivirus, and panleukopenia.
    • Should be repeated at 3 to 4-week intervals until 14 weeks of age or older, then on an annual basis.
    • Leukemia vaccines (series of 2) are usually given at the last two kitten vaccinations, then yearly.  It is recommended to test for leukemia before vaccinations program is started.
    • Rabies vaccination at 3 - 4 months boostered as suggested by your veterinarian.
    • Required by Law to be rabies vaccinated and licensed.
    • Vaccinate against canine distemper every 3 to 4 weeks until 14 weeks of age and then annually.
    • Vaccinate against rabies by 12 weeks of age, then every year as  Required by Law.

Important Phone Numbers:

  • Great Lakes Pet Emergencies:  (989) 752-1960
  • Poison Control Center (MI):  1-800-764-7661
  • (TTY - for Deaf Only):  1-800-356-3232
  • National Poison Control Center:  (900) 443-0000