Drain Commissioner

Michael Rivard

Bay County Building
515 Center Avenue, Suite 601
Bay City MI 48708-5941
Voice: (989) 895-4290
Fax: (989) 895-4292
[email protected]

Soil Erosion

Sedimentation is the product of uncontrolled erosion and is a significant pollutant to our lakes, streams, and drain systems. With construction being one of the major causes of erosion in Michigan, steps have been taken to control the amount of sedimentation that enters our waterways through Part 91 of Public Act 347.  Therefore, a soil erosion permit is required for an earth change that disturbs one or more acres or is within 500 feet of a county drain or waters of the state according to Part 91.

The Soil Erosion Division is available to answer any questions concerning erosion control methods and to work with the public on new construction projects.


Soil Erosion Application