BASWA Members
Meet the Bay Area Storm Water Authority
Based on the 2010 Census data, the Environmental Protection Agency determined various "urbanized" areas that were required
to obtain a NPDES permit. The BASWA was formed and includes membership from municipalities within the urbanized area for
Bay County. Each member and alternate member is appointed by their local board for a term of 4 years.
Bangor Charter Township
Glenn Rowley, Treasurer
Term Expires: 12.31.2021
Hampton Charter Township
Terri Close, Vice Chair
Term Expires: 12.31.2021
Monitor Charter Township
Gary Brandt
Term Expires: 12.31.2022
Bay County Road Commission
James Lillo, Chairman
Term Expires: 12.31.2022
City of Bay City
Bob Dion
Term Expires: 12.31.2024
City of Essexville
Term Expires: 12.31.2021
Bay County
Term Expires: 12.31.2023