Cell Phone Recycling

Most cell phones contain precious metals and plastics that can be recycled to save energy and resources that would otherwise be required to mine or manufacture. When placed in a landfill, these materials can pollute the air and contaminate soil and drinking water.
CellPhone Reuse/Recycling Locations
Pleasecheck with each location for drop off dates, times and restrictions.
Best Buy
4406 Bay Road
Saginaw, MI 48603
Phone: 989-799-8266
Reuse: Cell phone
StaplesThe Office Superstore
4021 North Euclid Avenue
Bay City, MI 48706
Phone: 989-667-0422
Reuse: Cell phone and Equipment Reuse/Recycle.
Tuscola County Recycling
1123 Mertz Road (M-24)
Caro, MI 48723
(989) 672-1673
Recycle: Cell Phone