SBCI CSO Workgroup

The SBCI CSO Workgroup is comprised of a variety of concerned community representatives from the Saginaw and Bay area who agree to dedicate time to work towards developing a CSO Prevention Plan for the Saginaw River.
To review the history and current status of CSO's to the Saginaw River.
To review the public health and economic impacts from CSO's.
To identify options for CSO elimination/reduction and the costs.
To develop a community supported CSO Prevention Plan with costs.
SBCI SCO Workgroup
The SBCI CSO Workgroup meeting on the the 4th Thursday of the month at 1:30 p.m. in the MDEQ Office located at 401 Ketchum Street, Bay City, Michigan 48708.
SBCI CSO Workgroup Meeting Notes:
MDEQ Authorization to Discharge Under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
Other Reports of Interest