Glass Recycling

Glass is 100 percent recyclable, which means it can be recycled over and over again without loss in quality or purity. Recovered glass from recycling makes up approximately 70 percent of all new glass containers. Recycling glass reduces emission and consumption of raw materials, extends the life of manufacturing equipment, and saves energy. produced from reduces related air pollution by 20 percent and related water pollution by 50 percent. Recycled glass containers that are not able to be used in the manufacturing of new glass(due to contamination, etc.) can be used to make tile, for filtration, for sandblasting, and to strengthen concrete. A glass bottle that is sent to a landfill can take up to a million years to break down. While it takes as little as 30 days for a recycled glass bottle to leave your recycling bin and appear on a store shelf as a new glass container. Recycling glass also keeps bottles and jars out of our landfills to free up space for other types of trash that can't be recycled.
Curbside Recycling . . .
Most of the cities and townships in Bay County provide curbside recycling for residents. Please check with your City or Township to see what items are included in their curbside recycling programs. For additional recycling information please check out Bay City Recycles.

GlassContainer Recycling
Pleasecheck with each location for drop off dates, times and restrictions.
MidlandVolunteers for Recycling
located on East Ashman between Waldo and Rockwell roads
Midland, Michigan
Phone: 989-631-1668
Fax: 989-631-3025
Email: [email protected]
Recycle: Glass (Clear and lightly tinted green container glass)
Riverview Auto & Recycling
6359 Euclid Street
Marlette, MI 48453
(989) 282-4242
Recycle: Paper - cardboard, newspapers; Glass; Metal - steel,aluminum; Non-Ferrous Metal - copper and all types of Brass; Oil - car, used;Batteries - all; All Types of Plastic including vinyl siding; Tires; Anyelectronic items such as: computers, auto parts, office equipment, faxmachines, DVD players, Play Stations, electronic motors.
Tuscola County Recycling
1123 Mertz Road (M-24)
Caro, MI 48723
(989) 672-1673
Recycle: Clear Glass Bottles and Jars (remove lids and rinse)
Waste Management Services
1957 Findley Street
Saginaw, MI 48601
Phone: (989) 754-6511
This location is a drop off facility for paper,cardboard, metal, and glass recyclable materials only.