Paper Recycling
 | The U.S. recycles approximately 85million tons of paper and over 75 billion cardboard boxes each year. Recycling paper and cardboard conserves natural resources, saves energy, reduces greenhouse gas emissions, and keeps landfill space free for other types of trash that can't be recycled. Most of the cities and townships in Bay County that provide curbside recycling for residents include paper and cardboard in their recycling programs. Check with your township or city to see what items are included in their curbside recycling programs. Below are some other resources for paper and cardboard recycling. |
Did you know that more than twice as much paper is recycled than is sent to landfills. Every ton (2,000 pounds) of paper recycled can save 17 trees, 380 gallons of oil, over three cubic yards of landfill space, 4,000 kilowatts of energy, and 7,000 gallons of water. About 80 percent of all U.S. papermills use some recovered fiber to make everything from paper-based packaging to tissue products to office paper to newspaper. | |
Curbside Recycling . . .
Most of the cities and townships in Bay County provide curbside recycling for residents. Please check with your City or Township to see what items are included in their curbside recycling programs. For additional recycling information please check out Bay City Recycles.
Paper Recycling Locations
Please check with each location for drop off dates, times and restrictions.
Brady News & Recycling, Inc.
3240 Schuette Road
Midland, MI 48642
* Recycle: Office Paper/Junk Mail: Any type of paper, including shredded from a typical household or office setting. However, plastic overheads, carbon paper and window envelopes are not accepted.
Midland Volunteers for Recycling
located on East Ashman between Waldo and Rockwell roads
Midland, Michigan
Phone: 989-631-1668
Fax: 989-631-3025
Email: [email protected]
* Recycle: Office paper, mail (keep shredded paper), Paper Bags, Phone Books, Newspapers (and what comes in them), Magazines and Catalogs (glossy)
Tuscola County Recycling
1123 Mertz Road (M-24)
Caro, MI 48723
(989) 672-1673
* Recycle: Mixed Office Paper (Colored, White, Computer Paper), Newspaper (Inserts and Ads too), Magazines, Catalogs (staples are okay), Phone Books, Cardboard (please flatten), Boxboard - Cereal Boxes &Tissue Boxes, Junk Mail (including envelopes).
Waste Management Services
1957 Findley Street
Saginaw, MI 48601
Phone: (989) 754-6511
* Recycle: This location is a drop off facility for paper, cardboard, metal, and glass recyclable materials only.
 | Did you know that the process to recycle cardboard takes 25% less energy than is needed to make new cardboard. Every ton of cardboard recycled can save 17 trees, 46 gallons of oil, nine cubic yards of landfill space, 4,000 kilowatts of energy, and 7,000gallons of water. Over 90% of all products shipped in the United States are shipped in corrugated boxes, which totals more than 400 billion square feet of cardboard. This means that around 90 billion cardboard boxes are discarded every year. |
Cardboard Recycling Locations
Please check with each location for drop off dates, times and restrictions
BradyNews & Recycling, Inc.
3240 Schuette Road
Midland, MI 48642
Corrugated: Includes packing boxes, brown paper grocery bags, pop/beer cartonsand most standard cereal boxes. Not accepted are food-stained boxes or waximpregnated cardboard. Tape and staples are okay (no foam or wood) and boxes donot need to be collapsed before placing on the conveyor.
Midland Volunteers for Recycling
located on East Ashman between Waldo and Rockwell roads
Midland, Michigan
Phone: 989-631-1668
Fax: 989-631-3025
Email: [email protected]
Corrugated cardboard (flattened), Cereal boxes (flattened), and boxboard(flattened)
Riverview Auto & Recycling
6359 Euclid Street
Marlette, MI 48453
Recycle: Paper - cardboard, newspapers.
Tuscola County Recycling
1123 Mertz Road (M-24)
Caro, MI 48723
(989) 672-1673
Recycle: Cardboard (please flatten), Boxboard - Cereal Boxes &Tissue Boxes
Waste ManagementServices
1957 Findley Street
Saginaw, MI 48601
Phone: (989) 754-6511
Thislocation is a drop off facility for paper, cardboard, metal, and glassrecyclable materials only.