Ways To Be Involved With Recycling

Ways You Can Make A Difference!
Affordable Lamps - Lighting RecyclingGuide
AffordableLamps.com has been offering fine lighting atsignificant cost savings since 1999. With over 30,000 of the latest lightingstyles updated daily, we carry a large selection of lighting fixtures atheavily discounted prices compared to retail stores.
America Recycles Day
America Recycles Day is a nationwide event hosted by the NationalRecycling Coalition and sponsored by EPA. Every year, ithighlights the progress we've made as a nation in recycling, and serves as acall to action for Americans to work together and improve recycling nationwide.
Bay County Environmental HealthDivision's Household Hazardous Materials Collection
The Bay County Environmental Heath Division hasa Household Hazardous Materials drive in an effort to incineratevarious materials that cannot otherwise be recycled and would end up in thelandfills.Please call 989-895-4006 for more information.
Carbon Footprint of Cars
This website has everything You Need to Know About Your Car's Carbon Footprint
Change a Light Campaign
The Change a Light Campaign is a national campaign encouraging all Americans tojoin with millions of others and take small, individual steps that make a bigdifference in the fight against global warming.
Classic Computer Recovery (CCR)
One of leading computer recycling companies in the Midwest.Classic Computer Recovery offers the highest value for retired computers,monitors, hardware components, networking equipment, media tapes and phone, faxand copier systems. Classic Computer Recovery also has a competitive advantagewhen it may become necessary to dispose of your equipment if your equipmentexceeds a marketable value.
Consumers Energy - Green GenerationProgram
This program adds diversity to the overall energy mix supplied by Consumers Energy,reduces our dependence on traditional energy sources, and preserves our naturalresources. That’s important today and down the road.Join green generation todayand make a natural energy choice for Michigan. A new generation is here, and itis time to put our positive energy to work. It’s time for Green Generation, therenewable energy program from Consumers Energy.
Container Recycling Institute (CRI)
Founded in 1991, CRI is a 501(c)(3), nonprofit organization thatstudies and promotes policies and programs that increase recovery and recyclingof beverage containers, and shift the social and environmental costs associatedwith manufacturing, recycling, and disposal of container and packaging wastefrom government and taxpayers to producers and consumers.
The Daily Green
A website with tips and ideas on how you can live more Green.
Earth 911
Earth 911 is a comprehensive communication medium for theenvironment. Earth 911 has taken environmental hotlines, web sites and otherinformation sources nationwide, and consolidated them into one network. Onceyou contact the Earth 911 network, you will find community-specific informationon eCycling and much more.
A website of information, products, and seasonal articles tohelp you lead a more sustainable life.
Electronic Industries Alliance Consumer EducationInitiative
The Electronic Industries Alliance's eCycling Central Web site helps you findreuse, recycling and donation programs for electronics products in your state.
Energy Star
Provides an extensive list of products, services, manufacturers,and retailers who have taken the Energy Star Pledge.
It's a grassroots and entirely nonprofit movement of people whoare giving (and getting) stuff for free in their own towns and thus keepinggood stuff out of landfills. Membership is free, and everything posted must beFREE, legal and appropriate for all ages. To view the items being given away orsought in your area, you must be a member of the local group.
Getting Clean by Going Green
When chemicals flow into the earth or the air, they can causemuch harm to both the environment and living creatures alike. However, thereare many eco-friendly alternatives for making DIY cleaning supplies. Simpleingredients like lemon, baking soda, and vinegar can be substituted instead.This site shares a variety of useful tips on how to live a green lifestyle!
Global Releaf of Michigan
This state-wide non-profit volunteer based tree organization has a mission"To educate the public about the value of trees and the need to properlyselect, plan, and maintain them". The Global Releaf of Michigan iscurrently seeking partnerships with neighborhood organizations throughoutMichigan that are interested in planting trees on public property in theircommunities. For more information, please check out their website at www.globalreleaf.org orcontact them via phone at 1-800-642-7353.
Great Lakes Electronics Corporation
Great Lakes Electronics performs environmentally friendlyrecycling using de-manufacturing and asset recovery. Computers, monitors,terminals, printed circuit boards, telephone equipment, TV's, VCR's andcommunications systems that are unusable are disassembled into component parts.Components of value are sold for reuse, and other parts are sent to certifiedfacilities for metals recovery. All items from the de-manufacturing process arerecycled. Even items with no value are recycled at GLE's expense.
Buying green is just the first step in reducing the environmental impacts ofautomobile use. Your choice of vehicle is most important, but how you drive andhow well you maintain your car, van, or light truck will also make adifference. This site can provide you with more than 10,000 vehicle ratings,plus a host of resources to help you better understand the impact of vehicleson the environment.
Green & Save
Saving your money and the planet one household at a time.
Home Depot
The Home Depot has launched a national in-store, consumer compactfluorescent light (CFL) bulb recycling program at all 1,973 The Home Depotlocations. This free service is available to residents ONLY - no wastefrom businesses is accepted.
Internet Consumer Recycling Guide
This recycling guide provides a starting point for consumers inthe USA and Canada searching the net for recycling information. The informationis for regular folks with regular household quantities of materials to recycle.The goal is to help make recycling so easy and automatic that it blends intothe flow of everyday life.
A website aimed at those involved professionally in therecycling business, but also informative for anyone interested in recycling. Inaddition to recycling news, this website also lists the latest prices forvarious recyclable materials, a comprehensive waste services directory, anddetails of recycling-related legislation.
Living Green: A Guide to RecyclingElectronics
Most electronic items can actually be recycled. There are centers in everystate that accept various types of electronic items, parts, and appliances.Some even offer to pick it up as a free service, while others also offer a cashpayment as a token incentive. Apart from impacting the environment in a verypositive way, residents can also free up more space at home in mere minutes.When it is this easy to recycle e-waste, there really isn’t any excuse notto! This website can guide you with your recycling organization.
Mosquito Control Scrap Tire Drive
The Bay County Mosquito Control Divison hosts Scrap TireDrives in an effort to eliminate potential mosquito breading ground.Please call989-894-4555 for more information.
Mover's Guide to Recycling Boxes:
Once you face the task of taking care of the empty boxes, thereare several things you could do with them. You can reuse them to store some ofthe items that you may have in your home. You can also recycle them so thatthey can be reused again. And, you can also use some of the boxes for youngchildren to use and explore their imaginations. This websitehas suggestions and websites you can use to discover how to overcomeyour box dilemmas.
My Green Electronics
Provided by the Consumer Electronics Association, this site is aresource for consumers wishing to purchase green products and/or searching forlocal opportunities to recycle or donate used electronics.
RecycleBank is here to change behaviors and attitudes – not asenforcers, but encouragers. Whether you are taking baby steps, learning thepath to greater awareness, or are a bona fide tree hugger, we respect yourshade of green.
Recycler's World was established to promote the trade of scrap& waste materials. The site is structured by Section/Category/Grade andencompasses the entire spectrum of by-products, scrap or waste materials and includesall types used items. To get the best result from this website, please add alisting into the exchange of anything you wish to buy/sell or trade.
Recycling Guide
Find out how to recycle at home and how materials are recycled.Includes a detailed guide to recycling a wide range of different materialsranging from paper to mobile phones, and from plastic bottles to printercartridges.
Recycle More
This website offers a one-stop recycling information centre.This is an excellent site for children, but also presents masses of informationfor people of all ages who are interested in recycling in homes, businesses,and schools.
RecycleNet Corporation operates a unique trading system forsecondary commodities. They are not dealers, brokers orprocessors. RecycleNet is a trading system that generators, brokers,dealers, processors and consumers use to buy/sell/trade recyclable materials orused items. RecycleNet tracks prices for over 1,000 grades of scrap andrecyclable commodities from the Recycler's Exchange spot market . Each day at10:00am EST a snapshot is taken of the on-line spot market prices, thisinformation is archived as historical pricing data. For more pricinginformation, check out the RecycleNet Composite Index.
Recycle Now
Tips and ideas on how you can start recycling now! RecycleNow has a 4-step guide to easy recycling. Find out how to recyclein your local area.
TechSoup has compiled a comprehensive body of information topromote computer recycling and reuse. This site provides resources for thosewho would like to donate hardware, those who would like to acquire recycledhardware, and refurbishers.
UK Recycling Websites
A list of online resources that covering all aspects of reuseand recycling in the United Kingdom.