Bay County Golf Course

Dan Neering, Recreation Manager

584 West Hampton Road
Essexville, Michigan 48732
Voice: (989) 892-2161
[email protected]

2011 Senior County Tournament

Well...the 2011 Senior County Tournament proved to be a successful event again under the new format that was added 4 years ago.  Just as our Men's tournament is divided into flights, our Senior tournament is divided into age groups.  The groups consist of 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65-69, and 70-older.  A champion is determined from each age group.  However, we still have our traditional overall champion who wins a golf membership for the following season.  To ensure all age groups compete at a level playing field the 50-54 and the 55-59 age groups play from the blue tees.  Ages 60-64 and the 65-69 played from the white tees.  While the 70-older age groups play from the gold tees.

This year was the year of the "mudder".  After Saturday's opening round the skies opened and the golf course got hammered with rain.  Once the rain stopped on Sunday a decision had to be made.  Any other day the golf course would have been closed being unplayable.  But this was the Senior County Championship.  The decision was made to get in the 2nd round to the dismay of some and the anxiousness of others.  With that being said I would like to thank all participants that competed and fought through Sunday's round.  It should your true competitiveness and dedication to the game of golf.

In back to back years the overall champion came out of the 55-59 year age group.  The following are this year's Champions:

2011 Senior County Champions.....Rick Webb.....Jeff Roscoe.....John Janke.....Richard Stevens.....Gary Kinsey.....



 Senior Age 55-59 County Champion

Rick Webb

Round 174  (+2)

Round 2  70  (-2)

TOTAL  144  (E) 

Rick Webb played a tremendous second round that secured him the overall victory in this year's championship.  Under rain soaked conditions Rick came through with a 2 under par 70 where the course was playing long and the fairways soaked.  He edged out Gary Kinsey in the 70 and older age division by 1 stroke.  A true congratulations goes out to our Champion.  Great job Rick!


2nd place John Goik 71 + 78 =149

3rd place  Terry Horner81 + 76 =157

Dave Herber (163), Robert Weiler (163), Dave Hertzler (169), Glenn McKenzie (175), Christopher Goulet (178), Ben Escamilla (WD)


2011 Senior Age 50-54 Champion

Jeff Roscoe

Round 1  71  (-1)

Round 276  (+4)

TOTAL147  (+3)

Jeff Roscoe played an exceptional tournament by winning his age group by 4 strokes.  Jeff was also in the hunt for the overall title with his impressive 1 under par opening round.  Jeff hung in there on Sunday, but the wet conditions didn't allow him to sneak out that overall title.  However, an impressive win in a field of tough players.  Great job Jeff!


2nd placeTom Merkle 73 + 78 =151

3rd placeBrad LaVictor 81 + 76 =157

Tim Horner (158), Gerald Schroeder (161), Rod Wright (WD)







2011 Senior Age 60-64 Champion

John Janke

Round 1  75  (+3)

Round 2 74 (+2)

TOTAL 149(+5)

John Janke wins yet another County Championship.  Whether it being in the Regular tournament or the Senior Tournament, John proves his the player to beat.  This win might be more impressive than any of the others.  John had back surgery a month prior and could barely walk 2 weeks ago.  When someone says golf's like riding a bike ask them to do it with a broken back.  Great Job John!


t2nd place Craig Kloska 73 + 80 =153

t2nd place Tom Rezler 75 + 78 =153

t2nd place Don Girardot 78 + 75 =153

Denny Gale (157), Bill DeWyse (160), Tim Roberts (183)



2011 Senior Age 65-69 Champion

Richard Stevens

Round 173  (+1)

Round 2  80 (+8)

 TOTAL 153(+9)

Richard Stevens proves again he's a force to be reckon with in the Senior Tournament once again taking home a title, this year in the 65-69 age division.  Richard shot an opening round 73 to put him in the final group and hold off Ron Marande and Dick Linton by 2 strokes.  Joe King had the first round lead, but had a tough second round that took him out of contention.  Richard another job well done!


t2nd place Ron Marande 72 + 83 =155

t2nd place Dick Linton79 + 76 =155

Joe King (156), Ben Blissett (160), Tim Corcoran (162), Fred Leonard (166), Dave Dietlein (172), Tom Grange (186), Charlie Schwartz (WD)



2011 Senior Age 70-older Champion

Gary Kinsey

Round 1 70   (-2)

Round 275 (+3)

TOTAL  145  (+1)

Gary Kinsey broke out this year and won his age division for 70 and older.  Gary was 1 stroke away from being overall champion this year.  His impressive opening round of 2 under par had him in a tie for 1st place going into the second round.  With conditions less than favorable Gary went out and shot a nice score of 75 which happened to be 1 shy of the overall prize.  With that being said Gary deserves a nice round of applause for his victory!


2nd placeFred Kotewa 74 + 73 =147

3rd placeGene Rhode 71 + 77 =148

Fred Hubert (157), Jerry Kukla (173), Bud Gobeski (DQ), Robert Katt (WD)







Views from the Senior Championship.....


(Left)  Jeff Roscoe our 50-54 Champion shows a nice impact position on his tee shot.


(Right)  Glenn McKenzie hits over what looks like a water hazard, but is actually casual water due to some horrible storms that went through Sunday morning.


(Below)  Joe King always a threat in the tournament hits his tee shot on the opening hole right down the middle.

   (Left)  Dave Herber tees off on #13 during his second round.  Dave carded an ACE in this year's tournament on #16.  Great Shot Dave!

(Left)  Chris Goulet chips up on #14 during the water soaked second round. 


(Right)  Rod Wright rotates through nicely on his tee shot on #16.  Rod was forced to withdraw from this year's tournament due to a bad knee.  We wish him well for his surgery and rehab.  He'll be ready for next season.


(Left)  Overall Champion Rick Webb puts a good pass on his tee shot while Tom Rezler looks on.


(Right)  Bay County Ranger Bill DeWyse tees off on #16 during this year's event.


(Left)  Tom Rezler puts one of his patented swings on an iron shot during Sunday's rainsoaked event.  Tom has played in the senior tournament and regular tournament longer than anyone in the field.  Thank you Tom for you support and competitiveness.


(Right)  John Goik gets ready to stripe his tee shot on #13 during Sunday's round.  John shot an opening round 71 to give him a shot at the title and fell just a little short. 


(Left)  This picture says is all.  This is #5 fairway before the start of the second round. 


(Right)  Ron "Slugger" Marande our Member Match Play Champion holds that angle well while driving his tee shot down the center of the fairway.

(Left)  Joe King dressed for the weather tees off during the second round.  You can see the difference a day makes if you look at Joe's pic above.  (hint:  shorts and a shirt with sunny skies)

(Right)  Past Champion Richard Stevens finishes nicely on one of his tee shots during the senior tournament.

(Below Left)  Fred Hubert opens up the tournament with a nice tee shot on the opening hole.

(Below Right)  Glenn McKenzie chips up from the 14th fairway if you can call it that with the amount of water, and made a nice up and in.




A Special Thank You goes out to all participants for this year's event.The new format continues to be a success and we strive to build this tournament year in and year out.  Hope to see all of you next season.

Happy Golfing,

Brent Goik

Recreation and Golf Course Supervisor