FY 2023-24-25-26 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)
The Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) is an integral part of the planning process for the Bay City Area Transportation Study (BCATS). It includes all projects to be funded under Title 23 and the Federal Transit Administration (FTA). The TIP is also required to be financially constrained and include a financial plan that demonstrates how the projects can be implemented while the existing transportation system is being adequately operated and maintained. Only projects for which construction and operating funds can reasonably be expected to be available may be included, and must be consistent with the Metropolitan Transportation Plan. Below is the final report of the approved 2023-26 BCATS TIP.
Approved June 22, 2022
Full PDF Version
BCATS Definition of Regionally Significant Project - Adopted 8/22/2018
FY 2026-27-28-29 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)
Work is underway on both the 26-29 TIP as well as the website section here listing it! Check back soon for more information.