Office of the Bay County Treasurer

Weston Prince - Treasurer

Bay County Building
515 Center Avenue, Suite 602
Bay City, Michigan 48708-5122
Voice: (989) 895-4285
Fax: (989) 895-4082

For Information Regarding Excess Proceeds Visit the Auction Tab

As a result of a recent decision by the Michigan State Supreme Court in Schafer v Kent County and Hathon v State of Michigan, if a parcel you held interest in was foreclosed and sold in an auction between December 2015 through 2020, you may be eligible to claim remaining proceeds from the sale. The notice of Intent form 6156 must be filed with the County Treasurer office by March 31, 2025. This form can be found under the auction tab.

About Us

Weston PrinceThe office of the County Treasurer was established by the Michigan State Constitution (Article VII, Section 4).  The four-year term of office is filled by partisan election.  The duties and powers of the County Treasurer are provided by state law and by authorization of the county Board of Commissioners.  The two main roles of the treasurer are as the custodian of all county funds and the collector of taxes.  Additionally, the treasurer fulfills many other duties.

The county receives money from several sources.  The principal source of revenue is an ad valorem property tax.  Other income is received from state and federal grants, interest income and various service and license fees.  Many of the county's departments collect money in the course of their business.  This money is periodically deposited with the treasurer, who is in a sense, the county's banker.  Besides revenue items, the treasurer is responsible for large amounts of money in various trust and agency funds.  These include such classes as circuit court trust, veterans' trust, special drainage districts and county road improvement projects.

The office is responsible for accounting of all revenue coming to the county for investments of idle funds, for the securities and monies held in financial institutions; collection of delinquent property taxes; reconveyance of property; certification of deeds and plat maps and other documents pertaining to tax histories and litigation; also conducts the annual delinquent tax sale.

The County Treasurer serves on several boards, including the County Election Commission, Chairperson of the Bay County Land Bank Authority, Bay County Retirement Board and Plat Board. The Board of Commissioners may also assign the Treasurer additional duties such as serving on the Building Authority, Library Commission, local development companies, economic development corporations, or acting as administrative agent for tax administration funds

The functions of this office are dictated by state statutes, under the guidance of the Bureau of Local Government Services Audit Division and the State Treasury Department.

Notary Services

Notary services, including the seal, are available in the Bay County Treasurer's office. This is a free service. A Notary is witnessing a signature of a document and not verifying the accuracy of the document being signed. Please do not sign any documents prior to arriving at our office. If you are interested in becoming a Notary Public, please visit the County Clerk's Office on the First Floor of the Bay County Building.

Unclaimed Bay County Checks

Click here to view listing. Updated as of March 5, 2025.


Additional Information

For pages dealing with county millage rates, equalized value reports, taxable value reports, and top taxpayers, see the Bay County Equalization Department's reports collection