FOIA Payment Options
A Cost Itemization Form will be included with each response that requires a payment. The balance for processing the request must be paid before records may be picked up, emailed, faxed or mailed. Multiple payment options may be found below.
- In-person (cash, check, credit card): Bay County Treasurer's Office, 515 Center Avenue, Suite 602, Bay City, MI 48708. Please bring a copy of the Cost Itemization Form included with your response.
- By mail (check): Attention FOIA Coordinator, 515 Center Avenue, Suite 402, Bay City, MI 48708.
- By phone (credit card): Bay County Treasurer's Office, 989-895-4285. You will be charged a non-refundable processing fee of 3% by LexisNexis VitalCheck Network, Inc.
- Online (credit card): Click the Pay Processing Fee link to enter the County's secure online payment system, then select the "Invoices" button. Enter your Request Number from the Cost Itemization Form in the "Invoice or Customer Number" field, making sure to omit any dashes. For example, if your Request Number is 2025-50, enter it as 202550. Follow the on-screen prompts to complete your payment. A non-refundable 3% processing fee will be charged by LexisNexis VitalCheck Network, Inc.
Please make all checks payable to: Bay County Treasurer.