Title | Announcement | Sound |
1. Winter Storm Warning | This is a Winter Weather Warning, (pause). The National Weather Service has issued a Winter Weather Warning for this area, (pause) Take emergency precautions immediately, (pause) Take emergency precautions immediately. Please listen to your all-hazard radio or your local news station for additional information! | WSW |
2. Tornado Warning | A tornado warning is in effect! Seek shelter now! Listen to your all-hazard radio or tune your radio or television to a local station for additional information! Seek shelter now! Do not delay. (Repeat) | TW |
3. High Wind Warning | A high wind warning has been issued for this area. Seek shelter immediately. Do not delay. Please listen to your all-hazard radio or your local news station for addi tional information! (Repeat) | HWW |
4. Severe Thunderstorm | A Severe thunderstorm warning has been issued for this area. Large hail and high winds are possible. . Seek shelter immediately. Do not delay. Please listen to your all-hazard radio or your local news station for additional information! (Repeat) | ST |
5. Flash Flood | Attention: A flash flood warning is in effect for this area. Avoid low areas and rising waters. Please listen to your all hazard radio or your local news station for additional information. (Repeat) | FF |
6. Test | This is a test. This is a test of the emergency Riverfront Warning System. This is only a test. (Repeat) | T |
7. Post-test | This has been a test of the emergency Riverfront Warning System. This was only a test. | PT |
8. Chemical Release | There has been Chemical Release. Stay inside buildings and close windows and doors unless advised by authorities to evacuate area. Please listen to your all-hazard radio or your local news station for additional information! | CR |
9. Evacuation Warning | Attention! This is an emergency evacuation order. Remain calm and follow the instructions of the emergency officia ls. This is an emergency evacuation order. Remain calm. (Repeat) | EW |
10. Terrorist Alert | A terrorism alert has been issued, please listen to your local radio station for further instructions. | TA |
11. All Clear | Attention: The emergency is over. I repeat the emergency is over. You may resume normal activities. (Repeat) | AC |
12. General Emergency Condition | Attention: An emergency condition exists, stand by for instructions. Repeating - An emergency condition exists. Stand by for instructions. | GEC |
13. Post Disaster Warning | Attention: Standby for a list of shelter and first aid stations. All visitors listen for a shelter location in this area. Proceed with caution. (Repeat) | PDW |
14. General Announcement | Attention all visitors and residents. Stand by for an emergency announcement. < /SPAN>(Repeat) | GA |
15. Mechanical Siren | The Mechanical Siren will sound a steady tone for a tornado warning and for chemical release | MS |