Bay County Golf Course

Dan Neering, Recreation Manager

584 West Hampton Road
Essexville, Michigan 48732
Voice: (989) 892-2161
[email protected]

2014 Senior County Tournament

The 2014 Senior County Tournament ran under the format that changed 7 years ago.  Just as our Men's tournament is divided into flights, our Senior tournament was divided into age groups.  The age groups consist of 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65-69, and 70-older.  A champion is determined from each age group.  However, we still have our traditional overall champion who wins a golf membership for the following season.  To ensure all age groups compete at a level playing field the 50-54 and the 55-59 age groups play from the blue tees.  Ages 60-64 and the 65-69 played from the white tees.  While the 70-older age groups play from the gold tees.

2015's Senior Tournament is changing its format.  We are going to use the Men's Tournament format, the field will be divided into flights NOT BY AGE, but by playing ability.  For example we will have the Senior Championship Flight and 1st Flight playing from the white tees.  While the 2nd Flight and 3rd Flight (depending on the amount of players) will play from the red tees.  There will be Champions crowned in each flight, however the Overall Champion, which wins a season membership must play from the white tees. 

Let's get the word out!

  The following are this year's Champions:

2014 Senior County Champions.....Joe King.....Fred Ramos.....Rick Webb.....Greg Stutelberg.....Tom Rezler.....






Senior Age 70 & Older County Champion

Joe King

Round 1 70  (-2)

Round 2  74   (+2)

TOTAL 144     (E)

Joe King is KING!  Joe played an exceptional 2 rounds of golf over the two days of the tournament.  His opening round 2 under 70 set him 6 strokes clear of the seniors in his age group and 4 shots over the next best score of 74 held by Terry Horner, Tom Merkle, and defending champion John Goik.  The rest of the field was as close as very tight, but the KING seperated himself.  Great job Joe!


2nd placeTim Corcoran 77 + 75 =152

3rd place Richard Stevens 76 + 77 =153

Gene Rhode (155), Gary Kinsey (156), Fred Kotewa (160), Tom Grange (167), Jack Kerkau (172), Fred Hubert (176), Bob Darbee (177)


2014 Senior Age 50-54 Champion

Fred Ramos

Round 1 78  (+6)

Round 2  80 (+8)

  TOTAL    158  (+14)

Fred a newly acquired senior...came into the tournament for the first time and decided to take home the crown.  He and Chip Arrington had a friendly shoot out which Fred came out on top by 1 shot.  Fred shot 2 consistent rounds leaving him in the winners circle come Sunday afternoon.  Great job Fred!


2nd place Chip Arrington 79 + 80 =159

3rd place  Bob Hightower86 + 86 =172




2014 Senior Age 55-59 Champion

Rick Webb

Round 1  75 (+3)

Round 272    (E)

TOTAL  147 (+3)

Rick one of the finest players in the area had a nice tournament.Opening with a 3 over 75 Rick was 1 shot off the lead held by Terry Horner and Tom Merkle.  Rick came to play on Sunday firing an even par 72 that ended up giving him a 4 shot victory in his age group.  The great Sunday round left him only 3 shots back of the overall Championship. 


2nd place   Terry Horner  74 + 77 =151

3rd place  Rod Wright78 + 74 =152

Tom Merkle (157), Wendell Beffrey (160), Gerald Schroeder (160), Ken Spyhalski (161), Ernie Rahn (164), Kevin Barrett (181)








2014 Senior Age 60-64 Champion

Tom Rezler

Round 1  75 (+3)

Round 2 74 (+2)

TOTAL 149  (+5)

Guess Who?  Tom Rezler in the winners circle again?  That is correct.  Tom played another steady 2 rounds to take home a 1 shot victory over John Janke and a 2 shot win over first round leader John Goik.  The tournament came down to the last hole when Tom steadily played his way into the winners circle.  Nice job Mr. Rezler!


2nd place John Janke  76 + 74 =150

3rd place  John Goik  74 + 77 =151

Mark Baranek (157), Denny Gale (163), Tim Roberts (168), Chip Kiesel (169), Glenn McKenzie (171), Dave Herber (171), Bob Ingle (182)









2014 Senior Age 65-69 Champion

Greg Stutelberg

Round 1 77   (+5)

Round 2 75 (+3)

  TOTAL  152 (+8)

Greg Stutelberg followed up a 3rd Flight victory at the Men's County Tournament with a Senior title as well.  Having an outstanding year Greg shot 2 steady rounds to keep him ahead of the pace.  He went into Sunday's round 1 shot back of Craig Kloska, but came back with a 3 over par 75 to win by 7 strokes.  Great year Greg!


t2nd place Craig Kloska 76 + 83 =159

t2nd place Ron Marande80 + 79 =159

Dave Dietlein (162), Fred Leonard (167), Bill DeWyse (173), John O'Polka (211)









Views from the Senior Tournament.....








A Special Thank You goes out to all participants for this year's event.  We strive to build this tournament year in and year out.  Hope to see all of you next season.

Happy Golfing,

Brent Goik

Recreation Manager