Immunization Clinic
Bay City Office
1200 Washington Avenue
Bay City, Michigan 48708-5745
989-895-4009 (option 2)
Appointment Required
Hours Vary, Please Call to Schedule an Appointment
Pinconning Clinic
415 Arthur Street
Pinconning, MI 48650
989-895-4009 (option 2)
Appointment Required
Hours Vary, Please Call to Schedule an Appointment
The goal of the Immunization Division is to stop the spread of diseases that are vaccine preventable by providing vaccine to the citizens of Bay County, educating the medical personnel and the public on the importance of vaccinations, and ensuring that children who are in daycare, Head Start, and school are adequately immunized against diseases that are harmful and sometimes deadly.
Please fill out the General Client Consent for Services Form prior to the appointment.
Recommended Vaccine Schedules
Birth to 6 years
Children 7-18 years old
Children's Catch Up Schedule
Recommendations for Adults with Medical Indications
Flu Vaccine
Flu Vaccine Information
Vaccine Safety
Who Should Get Vaccinated
Information for Parents
The Flu and You
Children and the Flu
A Flu Guide for Parents
Pregnant Women
Protect Your Baby from the Flu
Pregnant Women and the Flu Shot
Protect Your Baby from Whooping Cough
Other Areas of Interest
Michigan Care Improvement Registry
Michigan Immunization Portal
How to Read your Michigan Immunization Record
Michigan Department of Health and Human Services Immunization Page

Vaccines on the GoFree mobile app for iPhones from the Vaccine Education Center. In addition to information about vaccines, the diseases they prevent, and common vaccine safety concerns, the app has games; links to videos, fact sheets, and brochures; places for saving notes for the next doctor visit; and an easy way to email the Vaccine Education Center with vaccine-related questions.