Office of the Bay County Sheriff

Troy Cunningham, Sheriff

Bay County Law Enforcement Center
503 Third Street
Bay City, Michigan 48708
Voice: (989) 895-4050
Fax: (989) 895-4058

Salvage Vehicle Inspections

Telephone: 989-895-4050

Salvage Vehicle Inspections are available by appointment only, with a delay of one to three days. Applicants need to obtain form TR 13B from the Secretary of State's Office and have it filled out completely prior to making your appointment.  Those who fail to complete their necessary paperwork will be asked to reschedule due to the high volume of requests. Applicants will also need to produce all the receipts for all parts replaced. The cost of the Salvage Vehicle Inspection is $100.00, which must be paid for with a check or money order. 


The Salvage Vehicle Inspector for the Bay County Sheriff's Office is Deputy Gary Rajewski who can be reached at 1-(989)-895-4299 Ext: 8410.  Please leave a detailed message with your name, address, and call back phone number.