About Us... 
The Drain Commissioner is an elected position responsible for construction, operation and maintenance of approximately 1,200 miles of established county storm water drainage systems.
These systems are serviced by 28-storm water pumping stations and several regional storm water retention facilities. The Drain Commissioner is responsible for all drains constructed under Public Act 40 of 1956, that being the Michigan Drain Code. The Drain Commissioner is responsible for establishment and construction of new drains when petitioned for by landowners and local units of government.
Within each drainage district, the Drain Commissioner is responsible for accounting of expenditures and financial statements for maintaining records of the establishment and operation of each and for conducting routine inspections and maintenance of the drains.
The Drain Commissioner must also comply with the many newly created State and Federal environmental laws that have been enacted over the years in performance of the duties of the office. The County Board of Commissioners is responsible for providing adequate funding for the general day-to-day operations of the Drain Commissioner's office. Project and maintenance costs are recovered through special assessments levied on private properties, local governments, county roads, railroads and state highways.
The Drain Commissioner is responsible for review and approval of storm water management systems in private developments under the Michigan Land division Act and in response to local governments' development review procedures, with a goal of protecting private property and natural resources.