Drain Commissioner

Michael Rivard

Bay County Building
515 Center Avenue, Suite 601
Bay City MI 48708-5941
Voice: (989) 895-4290
Fax: (989) 895-4292
[email protected]

Land Development
Land Developments within Bay County

Mobile Home Parks, Site Condominiums, Subdivision Development, Industrial & Commercial Development Design Standards

Mobile Home Parks

Public Act 419 of 1976, the Mobile Home Commission Act, requires that a person who desires to develop a mobile home park shall submit a preliminary plan to the appropriate municipality, local health department, county road commission and county drain commissioner for preliminary approval. The preliminary plan shall include the location, layout, general design and general description of the project.

As specified in the Mobile Home Commission Act, the Drain Commissioner shall review and may approve outlet drainage to ensure that the mobile home park development does not cause an increase in flooding offsite. To request a copy of the Storm Water Management Plan and Design Standards, please contact the Drain Office.

Site Condominiums

Act 59 of 1978, the Condominium Act, requires that written notice of intent to construct a condominium project be proved to the appropriate city, village, township, or county, the county road commission and the county drain commissioner. To request a copy of the Storm Water Management Plan and Design Standards, please contact the Drain Office.

Subdivision Development

Public Acet 288 of 1967, as amended, the Land Division Act, provides the main regulatory mechanism to ensure that subdivisions meet the standards set by local governmental officials.

The role of the Drain Commissioner under this Act is to ensure that adequate storm water facilities are designed, constructed and maintained to ensure that landowners within the subdivision are protected from flooding and that the development does no cause an increase in flooding outside the subdivision. To request a copy of the Storm Water Management Plan and Design Standards, please contact the Drain Office.

Industrial and Commercial Development

The role of the Drain Commissioner in regards to industrial and commercial development is to insure that adequate storm water facilities are designed, constructed and maintained to ensure the development does not cause an increase in flooding outside the development. To request a copy of the Storm Water Management Plan and Design Standards, please contact the Drain Office.