Drain Commissioner

Michael Rivard

Bay County Building
515 Center Avenue, Suite 601
Bay City MI 48708-5941
Voice: (989) 895-4290
Fax: (989) 895-4292

West Nile Virus Info

West Nile Virus

West Nile is a virus spread by infected mosquitoes that can cause serious illness including encephalitis or meningitis in humans.

Methods of Prevention

Limit outdoor activities in the evening when mosquitoes are most active

When outdoors, wear protective clothing (long sleeves, long pants, loose fitting clothes)

Avoid working in areas with tall grass, weeds, or bushes where mosquitoes hide during the day

Use insect repellant with "DEET" and follow label directions

Eliminate outdoor areas where water can collect, including buckets, tires, birdbaths, flowerpots, rain barrels, and tarps.

Home Control

Old tires, cans, pails,, and other water holding containers are ideal breeding sites. Store the upside down or get rid of them.

Fill in or drain low spots in your yard

Keep ditches, drains and culverts clear of weeds and trash so that water will drain properly

Drain water from tarp or plastic sheeting which cover wood piles, boats, etc.

Keep eaves troughs clean of leaves and debris

Empty plastic wading pools at least once a week and store them inside when not in use. Unused backyard swimming pools may also create breeding problems

Change bird bath water weekly

Fill in tree rot holes and hollow stumps with sand or concrete

Keep boats/canoes covered or upside down

Keep grass cut short and shrubbery well trimmed so that adult mosquitoes will not hide there in the daytime.

Use a fine mesh screen on top of rain barrels so that female adults cannot reach the water surface to lay eggs.

For more information contact Bay County Mosquito Control

Other links related to: Centers for Disease Control & Prevention or Michigan Department of Community Health