Protecting Public Health
The primary goal of the Mosquito Control program is to protect the public health from diseases transmitted by mosquitoes. In order to reach this objective, we strive to reduce mosquito populations to tolerable levels, which helps decrease the risk of mosquito-borne disease and nuisance mosquito species to the citizens and visitors of our county.
Mosquito and Disease Surveillance
The cornerstone of Mosquito Control is the biology department, whose main function is to determine timing and priority of treatment based on larval and adult mosquito surveys. Bay County Mosquito Control also provides an extensive disease surveillance network coordinated through the Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, Michigan State University, and Michigan Department of Health and Human Services to monitor mosquito-borne diseases. Female mosquitoes are tested for Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE), St. Louis Encephalitis (SLE), West Nile Virus (WNV), Jamestown Canyon Virus (JCV), and California encephalitis viruses (CE). Dead American Crows and Blue Jays are tested in-house for WNV infection; confirmation may be performed through MSU's Diagnostic Center for Population and Animal Health. In addition to responding to citizen requests, we also initiate mosquito surveillance before the occurrence of summer festivals and community events. Public attendance at such events exceeds one-half million with nearly half of these people considered Bay County tourists.
Integrated Mosquito Management
Mosquito Control follows an Integrated Mosquito Management (IMM) approach, which means using a combination of techniques to control mosquitoes including education, source reduction, larviciding (the control of mosquitoes in the larval stage), and adulticiding (the control of mosquitoes in the adult stage) to reduce mosquito populations while minimizing risk to the environment. Although efforts are geared toward proactive approaches such as education and source reduction (dumping water from containers or covering them), it is sometimes necessary to manage mosquitoes in other ways. Mosquito Control manages immature and adult mosquitoes first by by seeking out and eliminating breeding sites, then through the use of biological controls and insecticides.
All residents and property owners can assist by eliminating breeding sites, such as stagnant water collecting anywhere on their property. Bay County Mosquito Control is designed to promote a safe and healthy environment for county residents. Mosquito Control is a division of Bay County's Environmental Affairs and Community Development department,