Office Procedures

Citizen Service Requests
Bay County citizens can call our office at (989) 894-4555 to request a variety of services. When homeowners have standing water on their property, a larval request is logged into a Microsoft Access Citizen Tracking Database. Larval control service can typically be expected in 2-5 days.
Citizens calling to report bothersome adult mosquitoes will be asked for a home phone number or last name (this is how the database tracks clients). Information such as address, crossroads, township, section number, and specific directions will be registered in the database, just as larval control requests are. Adult mosquito control service is performed as soon as possible, considering where high populations of adult mosquitoes are trapped and reported. Usually, each township is sprayed completely in 7-10 days, weather permitting.
Medical Certification Program
This program is a special service for residents who are highly allergic to mosquito bites or have medical conditions that dictate the need for additional mosquito control. Residents must annually complete the necessary paperwork, including a doctor's prescription. The property where the resident lives will be treated each time our technicians perform a zone sweep of that particular township. This service may be suspended when there is county-wide mosquito-borne disease activity.
No-Spray Program
Residents who wish to opt-out of mosquito control treatment may call the office. Paperwork must be completed annually to renew the "no spray" status. Homeowners must post reflective signs at property lines that notify technicians to cease fogging on the resident's property. Please visit the No-Spray page on this site for more information.